Before you start applying for student loans you should request a copy of your credit report. Loans based on your credit history rely on this report to determine if you are approved or not. Get a copy as soon as you can and go over it to make sure there are no mistakes. If you do happen to see something you believe to be a mistake, address it immediately.
These mistakes can negatively affect your credit rating and stop you from getting approved for a loan you should receive. If there is something in the report that you do not understand contact the credit bureau that you used for clarification. Ask as many questions as you need to until you understand each item and how they arrived at the final result.
When going over your report it is also a good idea to have copies of your credit card and bank statements, and any other loans and bills in your name. This is so you can compare them to what the reporting bureau gives you. The easiest way to fix a discrepancy is to have documented proof of the error in your possession to provide the credit bureau with. Then you will know if you need to apply for bad credit student loans.
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